Boiled Egg Diet (7 and 3 Days) to Lose Weight, How to Make it and Complete Menu

Does Egg really get fat? In this article you will see the opposite and you will know the 7 benefits of eggs for your health and you will know how to start your Egg Diet to lose weight .

Today you will learn about a powerful and fundamental food for your health, in this article you will learn more about eggs, a food that is essential for you who want to lose weight with health without diets, want to stay thin and still prevent diseases.

In this article, you will answer your doubts such as: does a boiled egg make you fat? egg yolk fattening ?egg raises cholesterol? These are the main questions that many people have had over the years.

How does the egg diet work?

If you want to lose weight fast, knowing how the hard-boiled egg diet works might be the right choice.

Although you need a small amount of products they are more than enough to help speed up your metabolism and burn fat.

Also if you continue to eat healthy after finishing this diet you will not gain the weight you lost.

This hard-boiled egg diet can help you lose 3 to 7 pounds in two weeks, remember you should drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, 8 to 10 glasses a day. This will also help your body get rid of toxins.

Also try to do half an hour of exercise a day for best results, there are some other rules you should follow:

  • I don’t eat the crap 
  • do not drink sugary drinks or alcohol
  • limit your salt and sugar intake

Does Egg Raise Cholesterol and Heart Disease?

Saturated fat has no relationship between increased cholesterol and heart disease, in this case there is no relationship between increased consumption of eggs and increased cholesterol in the blood and even if there were it would not represent any risk, this is a myth, it is totally outdated, science, ie studies with a high level of scientific evidence, show us exactly the opposite.

Eggs are functional foods, that is, they are essential for your health and help us to prevent and even treat various diseases.

The egg is no longer the villain in medicine, recent studies have proven that the boiled egg has numerous health benefits, including helping to burn fat and increase lean mass, reduce bad cholesterol and control the good, it is rich in vitamins and minerals .

Eggs are a great source of protein and do not raise cholesterol.

Egg diet to lose weight

7 Benefits of eating fried or boiled eggs

Let’s get down to business, you’ll discover 7 benefits of eating fried or hard-boiled eggs.

  • strengthens the bones
  • the egg gives satiety
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Eliminates bad cholesterol
  • Speeds up brain function
  • Prevents breast cancer
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • increases muscle mass
  • Eliminates acne
  • Egg white is a source of pure protein

Eggs contain a lot of nutrients

First the egg contains everything that life needs after breast milk the egg is the most complete food that exists in nature

egg helps with diabetes

Eggs are already used in Sweden to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity and because they contain strategic fats that satiate and lack the body, keeping sugar and insulin levels low in the blood and allowing sustainable weight loss in addition to decreasing medication for diabetics often even being withdrawn.

It’s good to be in your mind, the fat present in eggs does not make you fat and is good for your health

eggs improve eyesight

Eggs contain zeaxanthin a fundamental substance to improve your eyesight, the increased consumption of eggs can improve your eyesight for those who have various problems.

Egg is a multivitamin

Eggs are complete multivitamins, they are rich in vitamins K, E, D, A, folate, vitamin B12 and others. So instead of taking multivitamins purchased at a pharmacy, such as eggs.

Eggs are rich in protein

Eggs are also high in protein, eating two free-range eggs a day is about 30% of your daily protein requirement, and most importantly, high biological value protein containing all the amino acids your body needs.

Eggs are anti inflammatory

There is a study with a high level of scientific evidence shows us that eggs have an anti-inflammatory effect, important for your body, helping to treat various inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, back pain, migraines, etc…

Free range eggs are more nutritious than farm eggs

Choose free-range eggs over big ones, they’re much more nutritious in every way, but let’s not let great be the enemy of good, even if you can’t find free-range eggs.

Look for the best supermarkets or even the municipal market in your city, if you can’t find it, buy the farm egg yourself.

What Foods are Allowed on the Egg Diet?

The hard-boiled egg diet consists primarily of eggs, lean protein, and low-carb fruits and vegetables. Calorie-free drinks are also allowed, including water and unsweetened tea or coffee.

These are some of the foods encouraged as part of the diet:

  • Eggs: yolks and egg whites
  • Lean proteins: skinless poultry, fish and lean cuts of lamb, beef and pork
  • Starchy vegetables: spinach, kale, arugula, broccoli, peppers, zucchini, kale and tomato
  • Low-carb fruits: lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, berries and grapefruit
  • Fats and oils: coconut oil, butter and mayonnaise – all in small amounts
  • Drinks: water, sparkling water, diet soda and sugar-free tea and coffee
  • Herbs and spices: garlic, basil, turmeric, pepper, rosemary and oregano
  • Some variations of the plan also allow for low-fat dairy products, including low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt and cheese.

What Foods are Prohibited on the Egg Diet?

The hard-boiled egg diet limits most carbohydrate foods, including starchy vegetables, grains, and many fruits.

Sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda are also prohibited, along with processed foods such as sweet and savory snacks, frozen meals and fast food.

Here are some foods to avoid on the boiled egg diet:

  • Vegetables with starch: potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, corn and peas
  • Fruits rich in carbohydrates: banana, pineapple, mango and dried fruit
  • Grains: bread, noodles, quinoa, couscous, farro, buckwheat and barley
  • Processed foods: bacon, convenience meals, fast food, French fries, pretzels, cookies and candy
  • Drinks sweetened with sugar: soda, juice, sweet tea and sports drinks

egg nutritional table

If you plan to start the Egg Diet to Lose Weight, it is important to know which nutrients you will be ingesting when adding the egg in your daily life, see the egg nutritional table here.

Nutritional composition of boiled egg
Energy160 cal/100 grams
Fat (Full Egg)0.1%
Fat (yolk)31.9%
Saturated fatty acids3.3%
Monounsaturated fatty acids4.9%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids1.8%
Biotin20% CDR
Riboflavin40% CDR

How to go on the boiled egg diet

If you want to know how to go on the egg diet to lose weight fast, know that a slimming diet based on boiled egg can be the right choice, although you need a small amount of products they are more than enough to help you speed up your metabolism and burn fat.

This is one of the best diets, as after you learn how to do the egg diet, you will continue to eat healthy and you won’t gain the weight you lost, this hard-boiled egg diet can help you lose up to 10 pounds in two weeks.

Remember you should drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated by 8-10 glasses a day, this will also help your body get rid of toxins.

Also try to do half an hour of exercise a day to get better results and follow these other rules to boost your Egg Diet for Weight Loss :

  • Don’t Eat Junk, Fast Food or Processed Food
  • do not drink sugary drinks
  • don’t drink alcohol
  • Limit salt and sugar intake

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Egg diet menu for two weeks

First week of the egg diet to lose weight


  • breakfast – two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • Lunch – two pieces of sweet potato and two apples
  • dinner – you can have a large plate of salad and chicken


  • breakfast – includes two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – green vegetables and chicken salad
  • dinner – vegetable salad one orange and two boiled eggs


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – low-fat cheese a tomato and a piece of sweet potato
  • dinner – salad and chicken


  • breakfast – two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – fruit
  • dinner – salad and steamed chicken


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – boiled vegetables and two eggs
  • dinner – salad and grilled fish


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – fruit
  • dinner – steamed chicken and vegetables


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – steamed tomato and vegetable salad and chicken
  • dinner – steamed vegetables

If you managed to stick to this diet of boiled egg to lose weight during the first week congratulations, you are on the right path, here is the menu for the second week.

Second week of the egg diet to lose weight


  • breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and a piece of simple fruit
  • lunch – salad and chicken
  • dinner – an orange salad and two eggs


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – 2 eggs and steamed vegetables
  • dinner – salad and grilled fish


  • breakfast – 2 hard boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – salad and chicken
  • dinner – an orange vegetable salad and two eggs


  • breakfast – two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – like steamed vegetables low-fat cheese and two eggs
  • dinner – salad and chicken


  • breakfast – with two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – sardine salad
  • dinner – salad and two eggs


  • breakfast – with two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – with chicken salad
  • dinner – eat fruit


  • breakfast – with two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of citrus fruit
  • lunch – steamed vegetables and chicken
  • dinner – steamed vegetables and chicken

Did you notice how simple the Egg Diet to Weight Loss is? This diet has almost no carbs and these are reasons it works, however remember, you should consult a doctor before going on this diet.

In reality you should always talk to a health professional before trying any diet, even if you are not starving, a radical change in your diet must be pre-approved by a doctor so that it does not risk affecting your health.

Egg diet to lose weight

How to make perfect hard-boiled eggs

Do you know how to cook a perfect egg? You even know when the time is right that you have to stop cooking and that you have to turn off the water and you happen to open the egg and it’s not exactly the way you thought it should be or so it stays with that little green around the yolk or the yolk is too soft.

To end these problems once and for all we are going to share with you now nothing less than the tip on how to make a perfect boiled egg.

cooking time to make perfect hard-boiled eggs

Follow this tip to make your boiled eggs perfect:

  • Take the pan and add enough water to cover the eggs
  • Put the eggs in the pan and turn on the high heat
  • As soon as the water comes to a high boil with lots of bubbles turn off the heat and put a lid on
  • Once this is done, wait for the egg to be as you like it best

If you like the hard boiled egg, let the eggs cook in water for about 15 minutes after you turn off the heat, but if you prefer a more or less hard yolk you can leave it for 10 minutes, but if you like a yolk one a little softer, sometimes even running a little, you leave it for 5 minutes.

With this tip you will always make a perfect boiled egg in the point you like.

What can you eat on the egg diet?

In addition to the egg, you will be able to consume lean protein, some fruits and vegetables.

  • Eggs
  • Other lean proteins such as poultry and fish
  • Fruits such as grapefruit and berries
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale
  • Starchy vegetables such as broccoli, mushrooms and peppers
  • Calorie-free beverages such as water, black coffee and sugar-free tea

What Can’t You Eat on the Egg Diet?

  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Refined carbohydrates such as bread and pasta
  • fried food
  • Candy
  • Milk, juice and other high-calorie drinks

Disadvantages of the egg diet

Despite the promise of rapid weight loss, the egg diet has some drawbacks:

lack of carbs

Energy Lack Equals: Like a high-protein, low-carb diet, many people experience fatigue and lack of energy, similar to other low-carb plans.

eggs cause gas

Many people on the egg diet experience gas, constipation , nausea and bad breath, which are common side effects of a high protein diet.

You can fight digestive problems by including more vegetable fiber in your diet and drinking more water.

Foods High in Cholesterol Can Lead to Heart Disease

Eggs are high cholesterol foods that have been linked to increased blood cholesterol levels and heart disease. However, current research calls this into question.

According to a 2017 review article published in the journal Nutrition , the link between eggs and heart disease may be unfounded.

Another 2017 review of the Canadian Journal of Diabetes reports that consumption of six to 12 eggs a week did not affect levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol , triglycerides, fasting blood glucose, insulin or C-reactive protein – all markers of heart disease.

If you are at risk for heart disease, talk to your doctor before starting the egg diet.

Hard to maintain short-term weight loss

Like most diets that promise rapid weight loss for a short period of time, the egg diet is not sustainable and the pounds lost are likely to be regained.

Because you don’t learn any healthy eating habits in this program (such as portion control, balanced meal planning, or mindful eating), you’re likely to revert back to the eating habits that caused you weight gain.

The egg diet is very restrictive.

Although you can spend two weeks on just one food (or just a small number of foods), the hunger and discomfort you are likely to experience can be overwhelming.

Many people who go on the egg diet end up consuming fast food or simply abandoning the diet altogether.

Egg chemical composition

The egg has three main parts, the shell, the white and the yolk.


It makes sense to start on the outside of the egg, so let’s start with the eggshell. Egg shell is made primarily from calcium carbonate , the chemical compound that also makes up most sea shells, in addition to chalk and limestone. 

Calcium carbonate nanoparticles are organized into protein-ordered crystals, eventually forming the calcite mineral that makes up the shell. 

In fact, the shell is not completely solid – it has thousands of tiny pores, about 9,000 on average, that allow gases to enter and exit. As we’ll see later, this can have culinary implications.

The color of the eggshells can also vary; chicken eggs tend to be somewhere in a color spectrum between white and brown, but eggs from other bird species can also include shades of blue or green. 

This coloration is due to the deposition of pigment molecules in the eggshell while it is being formed in the hen’s oviduct. A pigment, protoporphyrin IX, gives the shells a brown color. 

This pigment is a precursor to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying compound found in the blood. Other pigments, such as cyanine, which give the colors blue and green, are secondary products of bile formation. Egg white shells have an absence of pigment molecules.

the egg white

Once inside the egg, we first come to the egg white, or albumen. Egg whites are made up of several different layers and are actually mostly water (90%). 

A variety of proteins make up most of the remaining 10%, serving many different purposes. Some, such as ovalbumin, are thought to provide food for the developing pup as well as blocking the action of digestive enzymes. 

Another, conalbumin or ovatransferrin, binds iron atoms tightly together, both to prevent use by bacteria and therefore to help prevent infection, but also to ensure a supply of iron for the developing pup. Finally, one of the most important proteins in albumen in terms of egg white consistency is ovomucin. 

This protein helps to thicken the egg whites and gives it gloopy consistency.

the egg yolk

Egg yolks are made up of several spherical compartments. Unlike egg whites, which contain very little fat, yolks contain a significant amount of fatty acids such as oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid, in addition to a high level of cholesterol. It also contains fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).

The yolk color is a consequence of the presence of two chemical compounds: lutein and zeaxanthin. 

Both are compounds known as xanthophylls and can also be classified as carotenoid compounds; they are therefore members of the same chemical family as beta-carotene, the chemical that gives carrots their orange color. 

A hen’s feed can influence the color of the yolk and for that reason substances containing beta-carotene, or even calendula petals, can be added to the hen’s feed to improve the color. 

Interestingly, including the main color-creating compounds in red peppers, capsantin and capsorubin, in chicken feed, can make egg yolks appear dark orange or even red.

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